About Trade Licence Unit (TLU)
The Trade Licence Unit (TLU) is responsible for administering the import of goods into and the export of goods out of Trinidad and Tobago.
The overall objectives of the Unit are to facilitate investment and promote trade through the administration of government policies as they relate to the Import and Export Control Regulations of 1941 as continued in force by Section 10 of the Trade Ordinance of 1958 and the Third Schedule of the Customs Act Chapter 78:01.
The import negative list can be found here (pdf download)
The export negative list can be found here (pdf download)
This Unit consists of three sections:
Import and Export
This section is responsible for conducting investigations, submitting reports and issuing Import and Export Licenses in respect of goods, which are still subject to Import/Export Control. The section operates under the authority of the Import/Export Regulations of 1941 as continued in force by Section 10 of the Trade Ordinance of 1958.
Duty Relief
This section is responsible for investigations of concessionaire’s needs and issuing Duty Relief Licences to approved concessionaires and other applicants falling under the ambit of the Third Schedule such as:
- Operators engaged in approved agriculture, livestock and forestry and fisheries operations;
- Operators engaged in the mining and tourism industries;
- Operators engaged in offshore petroleum exploration and production sharing contractors (PSC).
This Section now also has the responsibility for processing applications to the CARICOM Secretariat for 1) Suspension of the Common External Tariff under Article VII of Protocol IV and 2) Requests for Certificates under the Safeguard Mechanism of the Rules of Origin paragraphs 4-7 of Article VIII of Protocol IV for goods on the list of items ineligible for conditional duty exemptions
Under this Section also falls the Copra Control Officer with the general function of monitoring the Copra Industry. The Officer has the responsibility for the issuing of Copra Dealers Licences and verifying subsidy claims supported by random visits to estate owners, dealers and consumers.
Examination Section
This section is responsible for the examination of all customs documents for Negative Lists requirements. This entails examination of documents such as the C82, invoices, bills of lading, airway bills, packing lists and certifying these documents appropriately.
This Section comprises three (3) Out-Stations at:
Port of Spain
Point Lisas
San Fernando
Importing Goods On The Negative List
General Guidelines
An import licence must be obtained from the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, PRIOR to the shipment of any item on the import negative list to Trinidad and Tobago. Failure to do so may result in fines or forfeiture of goods.
Please note the following:
- When completing an application, the item description must be accurate and specific.
- If items are different in nature they must be included on separate applications for e.g. Motor Vehicles and Refrigerators.
- Where a licence has expired, a new application for a licence must be submitted.
Regarding Left-Hand Drive vehicles:
- The importation of Left-Hand Drive vehicles is prohibited except for those allowed under the Customs Act Section 45 (2).
- Section 45(2) (a) to (g) permits the importation of Left-Hand Drive vehicles without an import licence only under the conditions that are outlined therein.
- Left-Hand Drive vehicles other than those allowed to be imported under (a) to (g) require an import licence. (Amended by Act No. 2 of 2013).
Commercial Vehicle means a vehicle used primarily for industrial or trade purposes. This may include pickup trucks, panel vans, trucks etc.
- For pickup trucks and panel vans – the vehicle to be imported must not be more than seven (7) years from the year of manufacture. (i.e vehicle must be seven years old or less).
- For trucks (MGW 2950kg and above) – the vehicle to be imported must not be more than ten (10) years from the year of manufacture. (i.e vehicle must be ten years old or less).
- The air condition unit in the vehicle must be fitted with an ozone friendly refrigerant only.
- For first time applicants seeking to import, an onsite investigation will be carried out before consideration of application.
- Applicant must submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry an application for a licence to import such vehicle.
- State in the description whether vehicle is a Used Right-Hand Drive or a Left-Hand Drive, Maximum Gross Weight (MGW), make and model of the vehicle and refrigerant used in A/C. For trucks with MGW over 15,000KG, also include the maximum height, width and length as stated in the Transport Board approval.
- Scan, upload and attach the valid approval from the Ministry of Works and Transport (Transport Board) for trucks with MGW over 15,000KG
- First time applicants must scan, upload and attach the following documents:
- Registration documents
For company:- Certification of Incorporation
- Notice of Directors
- Notice of Registered Address
- Advice of Assignment of the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) File Number Certificate
For sole trader:
- Certification of Registration
- Advice of Assignment of the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) File Number Certificate
- Cover letter with the following details:
- How long the business/company has been in operation
- Detailed description of current commercial activities
- Persons employed, their roles, and whether temporary or permanent
- List of commercial vehicles currently owned
- Purpose and age of vehicle to be imported
- Confirmation that there is adequate parking to store the vehicle to be imported
- For pickup trucks and panel vans exactly 7 years old, submit evidence of chassis number e.g. pro forma invoice or cancellation certificate.
- For trucks exactly 10 years old, submit evidence of chassis number e.g. pro forma invoice or cancellation certificate
- If replacing or upgrading vehicles – certified copies of the vehicles to be replaced.
- At least three (3) copies of recent sales receipts/invoices as proof of commercial activity (if available)
- Current Contract letters showing proof of jobs to be undertaken (if applicable)
- If vehicle to be imported is for agricultural/fishing use, submit the following documents:
Agriculture- Advice of Assignment of Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) File Number Certificate
- Valid Farmers ID
- Land Deed
- Fishing
- Advice of Assignment of Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) File Number Certificate
- Valid Fisherman’s Licence
- Registration documents
- Repeat applicants must scan, upload and attach the following documents:
- Cover letter with the following details:
- Detailed description of current commercial activity if expanded or diversified since last import licence issued
- Purpose and age of vehicle to be imported
- Status of previous import licence, whether utilized, unutilized, or expired
- If previous import licence was utilized, status of vehicles imported, whether registered/unregistered
- If previously imported vehicle is registered, submit certified copy.
- If previously imported vehicle is not registered, submit copies of customs documents – EC82 and Bill of Lading ( certified by Customs and Excise)
- If import licence was unutilized or has expired, submit the original licence to the Trade Licence Unit.
- If replacing or upgrading vehicles – certified copies of the vehicles to be replaced/upgraded
- If commercial activity has expanded or diversified – produce supporting documents e.g. sales receipts/invoices/contract letters showing proof of jobs to be undertaken, if applicable.
- For pickup trucks and panel vans exactly 7 years old, submit evidence of chassis number e.g. pro forma invoice or cancellation certificate
- For trucks exactly 10 years old, submit evidence of chassis number e.g. pro forma invoice or cancellation certificate
- Cover letter with the following details:
NOTE: Garbage Compactors less than MGW 15 TONNES (15000KG) DO NOT REQUIRE AN IMPORT LICENCE
Maxi Taxi means a public service vehicle with seating accommodation for not less than nine (9) nor more than twenty-five (25) passengers (Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 48:50).
- The imported vehicle must be approved by the Licencing Authority for use as a public service vehicle.
- At the time of entry into Trinidad and Tobago the vehicle must be no more than four (4) years old from the year of manufacture and must be structurally and mechanically sound and in an undamaged condition.
- The vehicle must be accompanied by a Certificate of Cancellation of Registration stamped by the Transport Authority in the Country of Origin which provides the exact age and mileage of the vehicle. Such document should bear the engine, chassis /VIN numbers of the vehicle.
- The imported vehicle must meet all environmental requirements as determined by statute or regulations approved by the Transport Commissioner.
- Air Conditioning unit in the vehicle must be fitted with ozone friendly refrigerants only.
- The vehicle must be sourced through Registered Dealers. Ordering and landing through unregistered importers are prohibited.
- The applicant must first make an application to the Transport Commissioner at the Ministry of Transport to acquire Maxi Taxi Certification for the importation of a vehicle to be used as a Maxi Taxi. The applicant is required to submit to the Transport Commissioner:
- Brochure/photograph of the vehicle
- Pro forma Invoice with full description, detailed specifications and performance characteristics of the vehicle
- Certificate of Cancellation of Registration/Certificate of Title/ Certificate of Export stamped by the Transport Authority in the country of origin giving particulars of year of manufacture, chassis/VIN engine numbers and c.c. and hp ratings
- Applicant will then submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to import such vehicle. The following documents should be scanned, uploaded and attached to the application:
- Certification from the Transport Commissioner
- Recommendation from the Transport Commissioner re: suitability of the vehicle for use as Maxi Taxi
- Advice of Assignment of Board of Inland Revenue (BIR)File Number Certificate
- Pro forma invoice from foreign supplier or local Registered Dealer giving a description of vehicle (including year of manufacture and chassis number)
- Driver’s Permit, Passport or any valid form of photo identification
- Cancellation Certificate
Private School Bus means a public service vehicle having seating capacity for not less than nine (9) nor more than twenty-five (25) persons used for transporting school children and is of a type approved by the Licensing Authority (Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act 48:50).
- Must not be more than six (6) years old from date of manufacture;
- Must be fitted with seats with capacity to carry not less than nine (9) nor more than twenty-five (25)
- Engine can either be gas, diesel, CNG fuel, hybrid engine, or electric powered engine
- Must be properly ventilated with sliding glass windows.
- Passenger entrance and exit doors must be on the left hand side of the vehicle only.
- Must be Right-Hand Drive
- Must have a rear emergency exit.
- Must meet all environmental requirements as determined by regulations approved by the Transport Commissioner.
- Air condition unit in the vehicle must be fitted with an ozone friendly refrigerant only.
- The vehicle must be accompanied by a Certificate of Cancellation of Registration /Certificate of Title /Export Certificate stamped by the Transport Authority in the Country of Origin which provides the exact age and mileage of the vehicle. Such documents should bear the engine, chassis /VIN numbers of the vehicle.
- Prior to registration the vehicle must be in a generally good condition and must be subject to inspection and certification by the Transport Commissioner as to its roadworthiness for use on the roads of Trinidad and Tobago.
- The applicant must first make an application to the Transport Commissioner at the Ministry of Works and Transport for approval to own and operate a private school bus. The applicant is required to submit to the Transport Commissioner:
- Brochure/photograph of the vehicle
- Pro forma Invoice with full description, detailed specifications and performance characteristics of the vehicle
- Certificate of Cancellation of Registration/Certificate of Title/Certificate of Export stamped by the Transport Authority in the country of origin giving particulars of year of manufacture, chassis and engine numbers and c.c. and hp ratings
- Applicant will then submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to import such vehicle. The following documents should be scanned, uploaded and attached to the application:
- Valid approval from Transport Commissioner
- Advice of Assignment of Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) File Number Certificate
- Valid Driver’s Permit, Passport or any valid form of photo identification
A Foreign Used Car Dealer includes any person or business that sells or offers for sale imported Fully Assembled Right-Hand Drive Foreign Used Cars and is registered by the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to engage in the retail trade of such cars in Trinidad and Tobago.
Documents Required
- Completed Application Form -.
- Completed Application Form is to be accompanied by an original and a copy of the following documents:
- Company Certificate of Incorporation or Business Certificate of Registration
- Company Notice of Director(s)
- Company Notice of Registered Address
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate
- Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) Advice of Assignment of File No.
- Insurance Board Registration Certificate
- Registration Certificate from the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (FIU)
- Valid form of Identification – Driver’s Permit, Passport or National ID
- Certificate of Character of Owner or Directors of the Business.
Physical Requirements: An applicant is required to have in place:
- Office area with office equipment e.g., computer, fax, printer and internet service.
- Reception/Waiting area to adequately accommodate customers and conduct business transactions.
- Storage Area for vehicles. If storage is provided offsite, the following are required:
- If applicant owns property, a copy of deed.
- If applicant leases the property, a copy of lease agreement and copy of deed showing owner of property.
- Garage Facilities provided either directly by owner or via Joint Venture Agreement with other garages to provide required services. If provided via Joint Venture Agreement, the following are required:
- A written agreement clearly stating the services to be provided.
- Agreement must be signed by both parties (owner of dealership & person/company providing the service).
- Services and equipment
- Mechanical: Jacks, Hoist, Lift or Ramp and /or other related tools.
- Electrical: Diagnostic test kit (essential requirement) and other related equipment.
- Auto Body Works: Paint room/adequate painting area, polishers, sanders, buffers, compressors, paint gun, wielding equipment etc.
- Staff – competent staff to carry out the requisite functions
Investigation: Each applicant will be subject to an investigation/field visit by an officer from the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade & Industry to ensure the physical requirements are met.
Individuals who wish to personally order and land their own vehicle must submit an online import application to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) for the motor vehicle.
An individual shall be allowed to import a foreign used car powered by gasoline, dieseline or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Electric powered engine or Hybrid Engine
It is strongly advised that individuals submit applications personally and not by third parties. This will serve to reduce the risk of being defrauded by such third parties, who are not registered Foreign Used Car Dealers.
- The individual who is seeking the import licence for the importation of a used motor vehicle must personally order and make arrangements for the landing of the vehicle at the Port of Entry. The individual is disqualified from protection by the Ministry of Trade and Industry with respect to the inappropriate dealings of any Registered/Unregistered Dealer in connection with the vehicle.
- An import licence granted shall not be transferable and shall be valid from the date issued until the end of the calendar year in which the licence was issued.
- An individual is allowed to import only ONE (1) vehicle (i.e. gasoline, dieseline or compressed natural gas (CNG), Electric Powered Vehicle, Hybrid Vehicle) within a 4-year period and ownership of this vehicle will not be transferable during that period.
- The age of the vehicle to be imported must be based on the following:-
- In the case of a gasoline powered foreign used car, the age limit of the car shall not exceed three (3) years inclusive of the year of manufacture;
- In the case of a dieseline powered foreign used car, the age limit of the car shall not exceed three (3) years inclusive of the year of manufacture;
- In the case of a CNG powered foreign used car, the CNG engine kit must be from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and the age limit of the car shall not exceed three (3) years inclusive of the year of manufacture;
- In the case of an Electric powered vehicle which means a vehicle that is propelled by an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery pack, the age limit of the car shall not exceed three (3) years inclusive of the year of manufacture and
- In the case a Hybrid vehicle which means a vehicle that is capable of being propelled by a combination of an internal combustion engine and an on-board rechargeable energy system the age limit of the car shall not exceed three (3) years inclusive of the year of manufacture.
The vehicle must also be accompanied by a Certificate of Cancellation of Registration stamped by the Transport Authority in the country of origin. Such document should bear the engine and chassis numbers of the vehicle.
The vehicle must also be accompanied by age verification documentation showing the year of manufacture of vehicle.
The imported vehicle must be structurally and mechanically sound on importation and meet all environmental requirements as determined by statute or regulations approved by the Transport Commissioner.
The air condition unit in the vehicle must be fitted with an ozone friendly refrigerant only.
- Prior to registration, the vehicle must be in a generally good condition and must be subject to inspection and certification by the Transport Commissioner as to its road-worthiness for use on the roads of Trinidad and Tobago.
- Applicant must submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to import such vehicle. The following documents should be scanned, uploaded and attached to the application:
- Valid Driver’s Permit, Valid Passport or valid National Identification Card
- Signed Declaration Form for Licence to Import Used RHD Motor Vehicle. In cases where the declaration cannot be uploaded, the applicant must come in person to the Trade Licence Unit in Barataria to sign at the counter before collection of the licence.
NB: The following must also be uploaded:
- Gasoline – Where motor vehicle is 3 years old, Certificate of Cancellation of Registration (where available) or pro forma Invoice, indicating chassis number.
- Dieseline -Where motor vehicle is 3 years old, Certificate of Cancellation of Registration (where available), or pro forma Invoice, indicating chassis
- CNG – Where motor vehicle is 3 years old, Certificate of Cancellation of Registration (where available), or pro forma Invoice, indicating chassis
- Electric powered vehicle – Where motor vehicle is 3 years old, Certificate of Cancellation of Registration (where available), or pro forma Invoice, indicating chassis
- Hybrid Vehicle – Where motor vehicle is 3 years old, Certificate of Cancellation of Registration (where available), or pro forma Invoice, indicating chassis number.
Both the returning national and his/her spouse are entitled to import either a Right-Hand Drive or Left-Hand Drive motor vehicle for personal use. The following types of vehicles are allowed – Sedans, Sport Utility Vehicles, Station Wagons, and Pick-Ups.
A Returning National under Section 45(2)h of the Customs Act is a citizen who has attained 18 years of age and:
- is or was a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago;
- has citizenship of two countries, one of which is Trinidad and Tobago; or
- is the spouse of the person referred to in subparagraph (1) or (2).
NB: persons who have lost their status as citizens of Trinidad and Tobago must apply to the Immigration Division, Ministry of National Security for restoration of citizenship.
- To determine status as a Citizen
- Valid machine readable Trinidad and Tobago passport
- To determine status as a Spouse of Citizen
- Marriage Certificate (common law relationship is not recognized under this legislation)
- Valid machine readable Trinidad and Tobago passport of the returning national
- The applicant must have resided abroad for a continuous period of not less than five (5) years immediately prior to the date of return.
To determine the 5-year stipulated period:- Valid machine readable passport must be submitted
- Ministry of Trade and Industry to request a Travel pattern from Immigration Dept., Ministry of National Security
In cases where the five-year period cannot be determined, persons may be required to submit:
- Official Employment records (for employed adults)
- Social Security Statement (for retirees)
- Certification from the educational institution, which must be notarized (for students) tax records
An import licence must be obtained from the Trade Licence Unit PRIOR to the arrival of the vehicle to Trinidad and Tobago.
An interview with the returning national must be conducted before consideration can be given to the application. The following documents must be submitted (with originals) at this interview:
- A valid machine readable Trinidad and Tobago Passport(s) / Foreign Passport(s), which must show evidence of being abroad for the period of time, prior to date of RETURN, to reside permanently within Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, where a foreign passport is presented as evidence, the applicant must prove citizenship of Trinidad and Tobago.
- In cases where the five-year period cannot be determined, persons may be required to submit:
- Official Employment records (for employed adults)
- Social Security Statement (for retirees)
- Certification from the educational institution, which must be notarized (for students)
- Tax records
- In cases where the applicant is the spouse of a Trinidad and Tobago national, a marriage certificate is required.
- A sample affidavit for the returning national and spouse of a returning national is attached.
- In order to verify ownership of vehicle, a copy of the Registration Certificate/Certificate of Title of ownership of vehicle or Bill of Sale must be attached to the application. The name of the applicant must be stated on these documents.
For the details of any tax concessions granted to returning nationals, contact the Customs and Excise Division of the Ministry of Finance, Trinidad and Tobago:
Import licences are only required for vessels that are under 250 tonnes.
- The colour of the vessel must not be painted in either of the following colours:
- Light Admiral Grey;
- Oxford Permabel Blue.
- Except by special permission of the Minister of National Security, the vessel to be imported should not be capable of travelling at speeds in excess of thirty (30) knots.
- When applying for permission to import the vessel, applicants should at the same time seek the permission of the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) to install radio equipment.
- Mountings on the vessels should be so designed to enable them to be fitted with equipment necessary for navigation only.
- Particulars of the designs of the mounting in (4) above should accompany all applications.
- Pyrotechnics should be limited to day/night flares. Verey pistols and rocket flares are considered firearms and applications for their use should be made in accordance with the Firearms Act Chapter 16:01 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago.
- Applicant must submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to import such vessel.
- State the description of the vessel, identifying the type and name.
- Scan, upload and attach a specifications document and a photograph of the vessel.
- Before the Ministry of Trade and Industry can approve the import licence, an investigation is carried out by the Ministry of National Security.
The Customs Officer may request the advice of the Office of the Chief of Defence Staff at the time of examination and importation.
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)
An import licence is required for:
- ozone depleting substances (ODS)
- ozone depleting substances (ODS) and mixtures containing ODS excluding asthma inhalers
- Products/Equipment using ozone depleting substances (ODS)
- Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) – R11, R12, R113, R114, R115 are not allowed to be imported into Trinidad and Tobago
- Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) – With effect 1/1/2015, only Quota Holders will be allowed to import the following HCFC refrigerants, R22, R-401a, R-408a, R-409a, R415b, R-406A, R-502 and R-123a
- Equipment – With effect 1/1/2015, the importation of ALL EQUIPMENT using HCFCs was prohibited into Trinidad and Tobago
- Licences will only be granted for equipment using ozone-friendly refrigerants
- Licences will only be granted to Quota Holders for Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) who are approved by the National Ozone Unit
- See Import Negative List for complete listing of ozone-depleting substances
- Applicant must submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to import ozone depleting substances
- State the description of the ozone-depleting substance identifying the type and ASHRAE number (e.g. R 134a, R 410A)
Exporting Goods On The Export Negative List
An export licence must be obtained from the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry PRIOR to the shipment of any item on the export negative list from Trinidad and Tobago.
When completing an application, the item description must be accurate and specific.
If items are different in nature they must be done on separate applications for e.g. Copper and Lead Acid Batteries.
Regarding Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS):
- Refrigerants – R11, R12, R113, R114, R115 are not allowed to be exported from Trinidad and Tobago
- Equipment – the exportation of ALL EQUIPMENT using the above ODS are prohibited
With effect 1/1/2015, only Quota Holders approved by the National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Planning and Development, will be allowed to export HCFC refrigerants; e.g. R22, R-401a, R-408a, R-409a, R415b, R-406A, R-502 and R-123a
NOTE: Where an export licence has expired, a new application for a licence must be submitted.
The following documents must be scanned, uploaded and attached to export licence applications for the export of animals and plants as specified below:
Export of Horses:
- Import permit stamped by the Ministry of Agriculture Land and Fisheries (MALF) or authorized agency of the country to which the animals are to be exported
- Veterinary health certificate from MALF – Animal Production and Health Division
- Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority (TTRA) Certificate of Exportation
Export of Dogs, Cats, Sheep and Goats
- Veterinary health certificate from MALF – Animal Production and Health Division. Note: Certificates obtained from private vets must be certified by MALF.
Export of Birds
- Veterinary health certificate from MALF
- Special permit for wildlife (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds) from MALF – Wildlife Section, Forestry Division
- A CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) permit
Export of Live/Chilled/Frozen Fish, Shrimp, Crabs and Other Seafood (as outlined on the export negative list)
- Approval from the Director of Fisheries. When submitting the application, please ensure that the item description matches that approved by the Director of Fisheries.
Export of Plants
- Certificate from country to which plant is to be exported
- Phytosanitary Certificate from MALF – Plant Quarantine Division
- Invoice with detailed description of plant(s) including biological name(s)
Ozone Depleting Substances
An export licence is required for:
- ozone depleting substances (ODS)
- All equipment and parts using ozone depleting substances (ODS)
- Licences will only be granted for equipment and parts using ozone friendly substances
- See Export Negative List for complete listing of ozone depleting substances
- Applicant must submit online to the Trade Licence Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (via TTBizLink) an application for a licence to export ozone depleting substances
- State the description of the ozone depleting substance identifying the type and ASHRAE number (e.g. R 134a, R 410A)
- For first time scrap metal dealers seeking to export, an onsite investigation will be carried out.
- When the dealer purchases scrap metal, a record of all transactions should be kept in accordance with the Old Metal and Marine Stores Act.
- Scan, upload and attach valid “Old Metal and Marine Stores Dealer’s Licence” from the relevant District Magistrate’s Court located in the area where the business is operating. (This Licence/Permit is valid for a calendar year and must be renewed annually).
- Scan, upload and attach scrap metal transaction details in the format as described in the Second Schedule to the Old Metal and Marine Stores Act, Chapter 84:07 see website at If transaction records are already maintained in this format, the records can be scanned and attached.
- Scan, upload and attach shipping documents including any export invoice and Bill of Lading related to exports from the previous export licence.
- Describe clearly the type of scrap metal/ore to be exported. Do not enter ‘scrap metal’ as the item detail description but rather enter the name of the metal, for e.g. Aluminium, Copper, or Brass.
- Used lead acid batteries (ULABs) must not be shipped in any container containing other goods, materials or scrap metal.
- Containers containing ULABs for export may be subject to inspection by the relevant authorities.
- Containers containing ULABs for export purposes must clearly bear the name of the exporter and must be airtight.
- The minimum capacity requirement for the shipment of ULABs is one (1) twenty tonne container per month.
- Containers used for the shipment/export of ULABs must carry International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) sticker labels class 6, 8 and 9 on the exterior of the container to clearly distinguish containers that hold hazardous materials.
- Shipping documents are to be authorized by The Customs and Excise Division and submitted to The Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) prior to the arrival of the container at the Port. Persons whose documents are found not to be in order will not be allowed entry of the container on the Port.
- Scan, upload and attach letter from the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) with respect to the outcome of the inspection of premises.
- Scan, upload and attach approved forms endorsed by the Competent Authority – Environmental Management Authority (EMA) (Revised Notification and movement documents for the control of trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes in accordance with Article 6 of the Basel Convention).
For more information, please download the Import and Export Application Brochure