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Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry, extends congratulations to Pt. Lisas based engineering Company, United Engineering Services Limited (UESL) on being awarded the contract to build, install and commission the Zandolie gas platform located in Block 1(a) in the Gulf of Paria for DeNovo Energy Limited.

The collaboration between DeNovo Energy Limited and United Engineering Services Limited is testament of the capability and capacity of local firms in Trinidad and Tobago to undertake large scale projects in the Manufacturing, Energy and Services sectors utilizing local content and resources. USEL was chosen through a competitive bidding process and has a proven track record of quality, service delivery and efficiency in undertaking mega projects in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean. The company will be utilizing a myriad of innovations to make the Platform lighter and more efficient as greater importance is being placed on the development of greener industries and the creation of a Green Economy.

Consistent with DeNovo’s ambition towards net zero emissions, the Zandolie platform will be a totally Unmanned Minimum Facility which will be 100% fully powered by wind and solar energy. The Ministry of Trade and Industry is particularly pleased that the Zandolie Platform will be powered by 100% renewable energy. This landmark project will facilitate approximately US$52 million in investment and is expected to deliver approximately 40 Million Standard Cubic Feet of Gas per Day (MMSCFD). The Platform will increase the gas supply to the Trinidad and Tobago Petrochemical sector with its first gas into the system expected in 2022.

In keeping with the key tenets of the Paris Agreement, which is enshrined in the country’s Vision 2030 National Development Strategy, this Project represents another milestone for the Government in promoting the development of a Green Economy. The Government continues to encourage green activities in the manufacturing sector through the incorporation of biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging, practices and production. Another measure in reducing greenhouse gas emission is a proposed 30% tax credit on the cost of investment of up to a maximum $500,000 for companies that invest in carbon capture and storage and enhanced oil recovery. Additionally, the Government has announced the removal of all customs duty and motor vehicle tax and VAT on importation of battery power electric vehicles.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry fully supports this initiative and is committed to advocating for the promotion of local content and the preservation of the environment.

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