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November 28, 2017:- The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago remains committed to developing local talents and stimulating the local Fashion Industry in congruence with the National Development Strategy, Vision 2030. This proactive leadership was demonstrated over the weekend with the support of Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley and the Minister of Trade and Industry, Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon who participated in the local fashion showcase FAME. The event hosted by FAME Caribbean, a foundation focused on fashion apparel, manufacture, export and entrepreneurship featured both local designers and musicians.

At the launch of the event Dr Rowley commended the private sector initiative aimed at building a sustainable fashion export industry, engraining a spirit of entrepreneurship and focusing on ongoing training to attain, maintain and possibly surpass global standards in the world of fashion. He added that, “The need to diversify is imperative. Priority sectors for economic diversification identified in the Government’s official policy framework and further elaborated in the National Development Strategy 2016-2030, Vision 2030 include the creative industries, of which Fashion is an integral sector.”

As the Government of Trinidad and Tobago continues its diversification thrust, the Creative Industries have been prioritised owing to its tremendous potential for revenue and foreign exchange generation. State agency, CreativeTT has been actively involved in promoting and facilitating the growth of the Creative Industries which encompasses Music, Film and Fashion.

FashionTT, a subsidiary of CreativeTT has engaged the world renowned Savile Row Academy to administer a course in Ultra Bespoke Tailoring to enhance the skills of local tailors and emerging fashion designers. FashionTT’s Fashion Value Chain Investment Programme (FVCIP), is another ongoing initiative preparing designers for export by improving the value chain elements. A Garment Production Facility will also be established in the future in collaboration with the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT).

The Ministry of Trade and Industry as the lead Ministry for non-energy sector development continues to support the capacity building of local talent by creating an enabling environment for economic growth and expansion, trade and national development.

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