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The Management and Staff of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) is saddened by the sudden passing of Sonia Jack-Doyle on Thursday 15th September, 2022.

Sonia has been a life giving person to the Ministry and by extension the Public Service, whose contribution over the last twenty-two years cannot be quantified.
Let us keep Sonia and her family in our prayers.
May she rest in peace.

Please feel free to leave your condolences below.


  1. Rhonda Hypolite says:

    My condolences to Sonia’s family.

    But we must remember the words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ who said:
    “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. ”

    We can be consoled that Sonia believed this… RIP to a fellow Mucurapo Girl, you will be greatly missed.

  2. Gaynelle Abraham-Brathwaite says:

    A great smile and always helpful and humble. Sonia served well over that past few years. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

  3. Misi Boyke-Jerome says:

    you will light up the heavens with that smile……………Sleep in peace Sonia….

  4. Dustin says:

    You couldn’t help but appreciate the exuberance for life that Sonia exuded daily.

    She brought a light to any room she was in and was one of the most genuine people I have ever had the honor to work with and meet.

    A true professional who balanced her job and natural internal happiness to make any Unit she worked in a better place to work.

    God lent us one of his good ones and has called her home to share her smile with the other angels. How can we cry when we know her soul is where it belongs?

    God rest her soul and provide strength to her family at this time.

    Rest in Peace Light Bringer

  5. Nigel Gill says:

    Condolences! Rest i n peace.

  6. June Victor-Annisette says:

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord
    and let perpetual light shine upon her.
    May she rest in peace.

  7. June Victor-Annisette says:

    Rest in eternal peace my friend.

  8. Keziah Calbio says:

    Rest in eternal peace Sonia and as we say big hugs and kisses! This now until me meet again in glory. I will truly miss you my sister in christ. Comfort and continued blessings to your friends and lovely family.

  9. Jeanette Edwards says:

    Share that beautiful charming smile with the angels Sonia. I extend my condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the deceased. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

  10. Joanne Conliffe-Ryan says:

    Rest in Eternal Peace Sonia!!! Condolences to her family.

  11. Kathy-Ann Andrews says:

    Working with you at the office or at events was a joy, you’ve taught me so much and I’m glad I got the opportunity. You always greeted me with a bright and friendly smile and a singing melody of my name Kathyk…Sonia or as I use to call you Sonji you will be missed dearly. God’s strength to your family and loved ones. RIP Sonji

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