The Manufacturing Apprenticeship Programme (MAP), a collaboration between the Ministry of Trade and Industry, MIC Institute of Technology, Ministry of Youth Development and National Service and the Trinidad and Tobago Manufactures’ Association, is supporting the nation’s thrust for diversification by supporting the development of human capital in the non-energy manufacturing sector. In this entry, we hear directly from MAP trainees, Ciara Forbes and Samuel Weekes as they share their motivations and experiences.
“A skilled and competent labour force is a critical component of an enhanced manufacturing sector facilitating the achievement of optimal productivity and increased competitiveness”. – Senator the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry
“Investing in our people is critical, the development of this Apprenticeship Programme contributes to the achievement of the targets set out in the Roadmap to Recovery regarding investing in human capital and is directly aligned to our vision 2030, thematic area of “putting people first and nurturing our greatest asset. “You young people, are our greatest asset.” — Prime Minister Dr the Hon Keith Rowley.