Managefy version 1.4.6

August 16, 2016:- A key role of the Ministry of Trade and Industry is to grow our non-energy manufacturing base. In this context, the role of quality and standards is critical.

In this regard, the development of a National Quality Policy (NQP) is a step in the right direction. It is an important element in the framework required to build a more diversified economy and improve the economic outlook for the nation. The objective of the NQP is to establish an appropriate framework for the development of a National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) in Trinidad and Tobago. Internationally, the quality infrastructure is recognized as a critical support mechanism for social progress and economic development, enabling the participation of developing countries in international trade. This requirement has been recognised in the past by businesses faced with challenges in meeting stringent quality standards abroad and in competing with poor-quality imported products on the local market.

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