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National Aid For Trade Strategy 2016-2019
April 26, 2017
Trinidad and Tobago’s National Aid For Trade Launch
April 27, 2017
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Trade Ministry launches T&T’s National Aid for Trade Strategy

April 26, 2017:- Trinidad and Tobago’s National Aid for Trade Strategy 2016 to 2019 was launched on Wednesday 26th April, 2017 at the National Academy for Performing Arts, Port-of-Spain. Delivering the Feature Address at the Launch, Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry indicated that

today’s Launch, signifies this Government’s commitment towards supporting its exporters and enhancing trade. This Strategy is geared towards matching donor funding with the needs of the country to build the supply side capacity and trade related infrastructure.  This means that the Government will now have a structured programme of trade related project interventions which can be used to target specific donor funding.  Donors will now be able to use Trinidad and Tobago’s Aid for Trade Strategy as a framework for mobilizing resources to address the trade priorities of Trinidad and Tobago and the related projects. For our exporters the Strategy provides a unique opportunity to obtain resources to address critical constraints that hinder their capacity to trade’.

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