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The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards’ (TTBS)  has opened a new sub-office in Tobago in an effort to improve customers access to Government services. Speaking at the official launch of the new facility on Wednesday 6 March, 2024, Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry described the new  facility  as a progressive move by the Bureau and an indication of Government’s commitment to deliver services to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

The new TTBS sub office which is located in Crown Point, will serve as the nucleus for TTBS’ operations in Tobago, contributing to greater awareness of standards, providing metrology and accreditation services and more than ever, deepening consumer confidence. Minister indicated that the TTBS’ presence will also facilitate sustainable development and economic prosperity for the country as it supports the development of the National Quality Infrastructure in Tobago, enhances the island’s regulatory landscape for goods and services and helps ensure international competiveness.

Gopee-Scoon also added, “The new office will enable the timely inspection of goods, undertake the necessary verification of measuring devices and provide certification services without interruption. It will also ensure that the reporting of such activities are incorporated into the overall national database, thereby providing more reliable and timely data to aid in decision making and policy formulation.”

The establishment of the new office will provide a permanent home for the TTBS’ Implementation Division activities, such as inspections, re-inspections, surveillances, and stakeholder engagements on the island. The Minister noted that while Tobago had 100 percent compliance for verification of fuel dispensers at various service stations and scales used at the airport and at the Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation, there is an urgent requirement for verifications to extend to other areas of commercial activity, such as in municipal markets, supermarkets, minimarts and hardware stores.

The Minister said, “It is in areas such as these that the establishment of this office will be especially important, ensuring that businesses comply with the necessary standards and ultimately benefiting consumers.”

Also speaking at the launch was the Honourable Faith B. Yisrael, Deputy Chief Secretary, Tobago House of Assembly who welcomed the increased access to TTBS’ services which she indicated will complement ongoing efforts of the THA to strengthen and develop small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  She described the Bureau as a guiding force in helping to foster a culture of excellence in our local markets, which will undoubtedly benefit local producers, consumers and the tourism sector.

Minister Gopee-Scoon acknowledged the collaborative efforts of key stakeholders including the Government and the THA and commended the Bureau for its commitment to ensuring that its services are readily available and accessible to all.


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