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June 5, 2018:- Consumers can now ensure they are getting value for money at the nation’s pumps with the commencement of fuel verification exercises by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) a statutory agency under the purview of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The activity which commenced on June 4 at the UNIPET service station in Brentwood Chaguanas involves the verification of each dispenser to guarantee that the amount of fuel distributed at each pump reflects the amount paid for by the consumer. Each verified pump will be labelled with a sticker and the location certified by the TTBS with verification checks recurring every six months.

Mr Norris Herbert Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Trade and Industry who spoke at the launch of the Fuel Verification Exercise stated that “This exercise builds on Government’s commitment to provide a globally competitive market place, which protects the interest of both the consumer and the producer. A commitment that recognises the need to ensure that there is quality and accuracy of measurements in all areas of trade.”

Mr Lawford Dupres, Chairman of the TTBS congratulated UNIPET on the collaboration and encouraged other service providers to support TTBS as it continues to build and expand the measurement system in Trinidad and Tobago. These actions, he said, will serve to increase the confidence of the motoring public when purchasing fuel.

Dr Afraz Ali, Chairman of UNIPET, welcomed TTBS to their largest fuel facility in the Southern Caribbean for what he described as a milestone for the liquid fuel industry in Trinidad and Tobago.

Over the next 6 months all UNIPET’s fuel dispensers will be verified by the TTBS. This exercise is part of the activities identified for implementation under the Metrology Act Number 18 of 2004 proclaimed in 2015 which empowers the TTBS’ Legal Metrology Inspectorate to examine measuring devices used in trade, apply appropriate stamps and issue and cancel certificates.

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