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7th December 2018: Ice cream manufacturers, Creamery Novelties were commended by Minister of Trade and Industry, Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon for commencing exports of the ice cream within 7 months of start-up. The Minister who was on site to witness the loading of the first container of products valued at $30,000 US at the company’s manufacturing facility in Diego Martin expressed satisfaction with the company’s rapid progress and optimism with respect to future exports. “We’re excited about this development as your shareholders took the risk and moved away from distribution and into the area of manufacturing. I want to thank exporTT and InvesTT for assisting with all the regulatory requirements to get products outside of Trinidad and Tobago.”

Citing the recent Special CARICOM meeting of Heads of Government on the Caribbean Single Market and Economy and the reinvigorated efforts by the regional leaders she encouraged local businesses to do more regional and extra regional trade. The Government and the Ministry of Trade are excited by these prospects she added.

According to Chief Executive Officer Mr John Hadad, the response locally was positive and the company is targeting markets in the Caribbean, North, South and Central America. “We have been working very hard in the last few months to push into some the export markets in CARICOM initially…. We hope also in the first quarter of the new year to land in another four countries.”

While the Minister described the transition as less than easy she indicated that it would bring great rewards to the company and its shareholders. exporTT and InvesTT played a major role in this accomplishment.

Creamery Novelties made its entrance into the local ice-cream production market in May 2018. The facility is an investment of over TT$35million and is focused on producing high quality ice-cream; ice-cream lollies; ice-cream; waffle, sugar and wafer cones.

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