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Invitation to Bid: Provision of Janitorial Services for a Period of One (1) Year


Requests for Clarification

Can the contract be extended for 3 years instead of 1 year as this is the industry standard?
Response: No

Is there a breakdown of cost form available?
Response: A copy of the forms included in the Invitation to Bid in Microsoft word format will be made available on the MTI’s website. A Breakdown of Price form will also be included.

How long is this service contract for is a monthly or annual cost required?
Response: The service contract for the Provision of Janitorial Services to the Ministry of Trade and Industry is for a period of one (1) year. Payment will be made in accordance with Section G. Payment Schedule in the Scope of Services which states: “The service provider shall submit a monthly invoice and report to the MTI outlining the services completed during that reporting period. Payment shall only become due upon MTI’s approval of the report confirming satisfaction with the services completed and certification of the invoice.”

Bidders are required to complete the Price Schedule Form found in the ITB showing their total cost of the service for the period of one (1) year as well as the Breakdown of Price Form showing the monthly price for each location.
Please remember to state Value Added Tax (VAT) separately.

Can you provide the number of staff working on each floor at both Nicholas Towers and at the TTMA Building?
Response: The number of staff working on each floor is subject to change from time to time and is not available at this time.

Can you confirm the total cleanable square footage on each floor of both Nicholas Towers and the TTMA Building?
Response: The MTI can provide the total square foot of each which floor is as follows:
Nicholas Towers
Level 9 – 8,000 Sq. Feet
Levels 11-17 – 6,760 Sq. Feet

TTMA Building
4,000 Sq. Feet

However please be reminded that as indicated in the Invitation to Bid Notice, bidders were required to attend the two mandatory site visits which would have given them the opportunity to make themselves familiar with the cleanable areas in each location in order to complete their bid.

During the site visit at the TTMA Building, contractors were informed of a change in service hours to 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Can you confirm if these hours are correct?
Response: The change in services hours for the Trade License Unit from 9:00am to 5:00 pm to 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. is confirmed.

Will a permanent door be installed in the storage room on P3 to securely store consumables and equipment for the janitorial staff?
Response: Yes, a permanent door will be installed in the storage room on P3 for storage of consumables and equipment for janitorial staff.

If available, can you provide a Bill of Quantities (BOQ) to ensure our proposal aligns fully with the Ministry’s needs?
Response: A Bill of Quantities is not available. Bidders are asked to base their bid on the Scope of Services as well as the information gathered at the site visits.

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