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Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry met with the Trinidad and Tobago Scrap Iron Dealers Association (TTSIDA) to discuss the progress in the implementation of the Scrap Metal Act 2022. Mr. Allan Ferguson, President of TTSIDA expressed his appreciation for the efficiency and commitment of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to the advancement of the Scrap Metal Industry.

The Minister stated that since the reopening of the industry on February 24, 2023, the Trade Licence Unit has processed five hundred and forty-five (545) export licence applications for scrap metal. According to provisional data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) the total Scrap Metal exports since the reopening in 2023 was valued at approximately TT$1.1 billion.

The Meeting also discussed the upcoming proclamation of Section 3(1) of the Scrap Metal Act 2022 on Scrap Metal Collectors, related sensitization sessions to be held and plans to increase the number of Scrap Metal Inspectors.

On May 8, 2023, the remaining sections except Section 3(1)(2) of the Scrap Metal Act 2022 and the Scrap Metal Regulations 2023 were proclaimed and came into effect. These two pieces of legislation now governs the regulation of the Scrap Metal Industry and brings into effect a new licensing regime for the Industry. The Ministry of Trade and Industry remains committed to achieving the full operationalization of the new scrap metal regime.


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