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It will be recalled that on February 24, 2023 the Scrap Metal Act, 2022 was partially proclaimed and the Prohibition (Carriage Coastwise, Importation and Exportation) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2022 Legal Notice No. 183 of 2022 was revoked. These actions allowed Scrap Metal Dealers to resume operations, including export activity. The Ministry of Trade and Industry wishes to advise the public that since that date, significant progress has been made to fully operationalize the new regime for scrap metal. In particular, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has:

  1. Collaborated with the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) in order to strengthen the regulation of the Industry and intensify enforcement activities under the Act;
  2. Recruited Scrap Metal Inspectors who would work alongside the TTPS in the discharge of duties, particularly as it relates to the inspection of scrap metal sites and records kept by dealers and the export of scrap metal;
  3. Coordinated the training of Scrap Metal Inspectors and officers from the TTPS in metal identification.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry also reminds the public that in accordance with section 39(1) of the Act, any licence issued under the Old Metal and Marine Stores Act which was valid immediately before December 31, 2022 are considered scrap metal dealers’ licences provided that the Dealer complies with section 39. The public and in particular all Scrap Metal Dealers are informed that the Scrap Metal (Extension of Time) Order, 2023 dated April 13, 2023 has extended all such Dealers licences from April 13, 2023 to November 14, 2023.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry reassures the public that arrangements are being finalized for the full proclamation of the Scrap Metal Act and the imminent laying of the related regulations.


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