Managefy version 1.4.6


Requests for Clarification

Can an individual consultant submit for this project? (as described on pg. 8, item 1.1). If yes, are the requirements for the statutory documentation (pgs. 11 and 12, item 5.1, 5.2, 7.3.1, item j) waived in relation to the evaluation criteria detailed on page 15?

 The consultant is expected to be a firm as contained in Section 5.1 Characteristics of Consultancy of the Terms of Reference.

Does the MTI have a draft questionnaire or is the consultant required to develop one in collaboration with the client? If the MTI has a draft questionnaire, how many questions does it comprise/the number of pages?

The MTI does not have a draft questionnaire. It is expected that the consultant will develop the survey instrument as per the Terms of Reference.

Was your survey budget based on a specific sample size? If yes, what was the estimated size and how was the size determined?

Based on the criteria contained in the Terms of Reference, the consultant is required to select the sample.

 We would like to confirm whether this is a household survey only?

While it is anticipated that a household survey will be conducted, the consultant is free to make suggestions regarding the methodology.

We have reviewed the particulars of the TOR and request clarification on particulars of the actual classes of trade that consumer profiles have to be based on eg. distinct classes of goods, services, etc.

 In light of substantial changes in the marketplace since the last consumer profile was developed in Trinidad and Tobago, the MTI would prefer to leave this decision up to the discretion of the consultant.

Can it please be clarified what is meant by “consumer profile”? Is “profile” in this instance a reference to the segmentation of consumers based on their behavioural purchasing patterns? Are there other profile components (outside of behavioural patterns and demos) that bidders should consider in the development of proposals?

“Consumer profile” does include the segmentation of consumers based on behavioural purchasing patterns. The expertise of the consultant is relied upon to determine other profile components.

Request for an extension of the deadline for the consultancy by an additional two (2) weeks to the end of September 2023.

 An extension of the deadline for submission of proposals is not feasible in light of our time constraints.

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