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November 08, 2017: Trinidad and Tobago is participating in the Forty-Fifth Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) on November 6-10, 2017, Georgetown, Guyana. Senator the Honourable, Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry, is leading a delegation comprising Senior Officials of the Ministry of Trade and Industry; Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries as well as representatives from the private sector.  Minister Gopee-Scoon is scheduled to Chair the Ministerial Session and the Meeting of Officials of the Forty-Fifth Meeting of the Regular COTED. Senator Gopee-Scoon will join Mr. Norris Herbert, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry who has been in Guyana and Chaired the Preparatory Meetings of Officials during the period November 6-7, 2017 ahead of the Ministerial Session.

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