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Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry held a bilateral meeting with Her Excellency Karen Tan, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Singapore to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on July 7, 2023. During the meeting, discussions focused on improving trade, investment and cooperation between both countries.

Ambassador Tan commended Trinidad and Tobago for its recent hosting of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the CARICOM which also coincided with its hosting of the 45th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the CARICOM. Minister Gopee-Scoon and Ambassador Tan discussed cooperation in several areas including Trade, SME Development and Digitalization. Noting that digitalization “can help countries leap frog their economies” Ambassador Tan shared information on potential collaborative initiatives including Singapore’s Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) and the Forum of Small States (FOSS) for Good Technical Assistance.

Ambassador Tan also expressed Singapore’s aim to increase its supply chains for agricultural products, noting the efforts Trinidad and Tobago has taken in implementing the CARICOM 25% by 2025 plan to reduce the regional food bill. She also highlighted the potential for the tourism industry in Trinidad and Tobago through the practice of multi-destination tourism in conjunction with other Caribbean countries.

Both Parties agreed to continue to work together towards strengthening trade and investment relations in key economic areas.


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